
The IPSG Pharmacokinetics Expert Working Group was formed in 2009 with the aim of addressing a number of questions relating to the potential utility for pharmacokinetics (PK) to monitor and prescribe prophylaxis in people with haemophilia. Members of the PK Expert Working Group are collaborating with a number of organisations and other groups, in addition to continuing their own work, in an effort to reduce duplication of effort. 

The IPSG Pharmacokinetics Expert Working Group held their 1st meeting in March 2009. At the meeting, the group developed a review article on the implications of pharmacokinetics of coagulation factor VIII and IX. In 2010, the manuscript titled “Implications of coagulation factor VIII and IX pharmacokinetics in the prophylactic treatment.” was submitted and accepted for publication in Haemophilia. Collins, PW  et al.  on behalf of the Pharmacokinetics in Prophylaxis Expert Working Group of the International Prophylaxis Study Group Implications of coagulation factor VIII and IX pharmacokinetics in the prophylactic treatment . Haemophilia 2011 Jan; 17(1):2-10.

The group is presently involved with investigating and critically evaluating recent knowledge of pharmacokinetic assessments of haemophilia A and B. Primarily, an educational manuscript is being developed, which aims to address the various issues surrounding the use of pharmacokinetic assessment tools with a focus on haemophilia B and forthcoming extended half-life products.

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